thoughts and observations of a privacy, security and internet researcher, activist, and policy advisor

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Germany wins global privacy ranking

The long-awaited "Privacy and Human Rights" Survey 2005 finally came out last week - a massive book, about 1200 pages. Because of the size of the book and also some changes in personell at EPIC, it took longer than expected, therefore some information is a bit outdated now, unfortunately. But it is still the most comprehensive global survey in this field and certainly worth a look. You can order it from EPIC's publisher or download it from PI.

A new thing the colleagues from Privacy International did this time was a global privacy ranking of all the countries surveyed. Interesting results: Germany ranks on top (we still seem to have the best legal protections, even under the "war on terror" surveillance schemes), closely followed by Canada and Argentina. The worst of all European countries is the UK, which has "endemic surveilllance" and is as bad as Russia or Singapore. The US is only a little bit better. Global privacy invaders no 1 are China and Malaysia. See the ranking, the press release, the background paper.


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